Monday, December 29, 2008


29th Disember 08.

For the past few days of holiday, i've spent some time fishing here in F.V. Its a pay pond, which interestingly enough holds the first ever in malaysia (hope this is right), 'Pla-Buks'. Plabuks are not from malaysia, only found in thailand, also known as the giant mekong catfish. Well here in F.V, there are about 1000 of these powerhouse of a fish, fighting them is one thing but to catch them is another. The largest at this pond are the 40kg mark, the ones that is caught and released is a 28kg, took about 2 hrs to haul it in. But as for myself, ive experienced the enormous strenght of pulling power of this fish, and ever since, i sudah kena racun daaaa......

so here are some pictures to racun you guys caught today, oh btw, i didnt fish today, my hand went to sleep yesterday after a tug of war with a huge pacu...hehehe

A 4kg rohu caught with dough and bread.

Another rohu on bread and dough, 5kg.

A 3kg pacu on bread.

26th Disember 08.

The catches.

My catch, a 6kg rohu on dough, line poundage is 10lb, the reel is a Daiwa Regal SXi 3500, rod is a Lemax Black Rose.

A fishing kaki with a 7kg specimen using a Tomman reel approximate size 750, an X-Puyu rod, and a 6lb line, caught with dough mix.

Last catch of the day, a 6kg pacu on worms. Rod, X-Puyu Banding, Shimano Sedona 750FB, line poundage 6lb.

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