Sunday, January 3, 2010

My 2009 Fishing Trips...

June 2009....Pulau Sembilan GT. Pt I.

It was a trip organized by my mentor, Ujang, and a friend of mine came all the way from Kemaman just to fish here. A real fisho indeed. Enjoy the pics.



my first ever P9 GT.


1 comment:

  1. Looks like you guys had quite a few tight lines that outing. Is that the Pulau Sembilan right next to Seri Buat? It's opposite Tanjung Resang, our playground :)

    But we haven't explored Sembilan/Seri Buat yet. Judging by your pictures, we've been missing out.

    Anyway, if you guys are keen for a good meal and a nice hot kopi after your fishing trip, by all means drop by. We're Malaysia Sea Sports, at Suka Layar, Tanjung Resang. I'd love to hear how the fishing's been.


